Saturday, May 15, 2010

Why are women criticized for getting breast implants but not for spending over $300 a month on clothes?

Women who spend a lot on clothes want to make themselves look better just like breast implants are about making yourself look better.

Why are women criticized for getting breast implants but not for spending over $300 a month on clothes?
Also, breast implants are permanent. Clothing can always be changed.

Also, i'm sure women would be criticized for spending that much on clothes. It's just breast implants tend to be somethnig a little more obvious and/or common whereas a woman would have to admit that she spends that much on clothes.

A better comparison would be braces (lots of adults have them now) vs implants
Reply:I guess what you're saying is right.. but clothes (like make up) enhance someone's appearance, whereas surgery actually changes your appearance.

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