Saturday, May 15, 2010

What has your experience been with dental implants?

I am getting a dental implant, and it just seems like such a long process. The doctor I went to seemed to talk highly of the whole experience (of course; it's what he does for a living). The other option was a permanent bridge, but the dental implant seemed like a better option, at least in my opinion. I was just wanting to hear about any experiences other people have had.

What has your experience been with dental implants?
I have massive experience because I have 9 implants.

The process is long, you're right (4-6 months before osteointegration and some more months for temporary crowns and then final ones). However, they are just great.

I mean, it's like having teeth, real ones. You brush them as usual, floss them as usual, chew on them as usual. You don't need extra equipment like you need with bridges (threaders, mouthwash, etc). You don't get your gums irritated by food sneaking in the cracks. You just chew and smile :)


it's important that you go to a dentist who:

(1) also is an oral surgeon (in case something goes south, like when they fail -- I had some failure because of my bruxism and I had the implants replaced with others, stronger and bigger)

(2) has an excellent aesthetic sense or else you will chew on them but they'll look ugly, not fitting with your mouth (in size) or your complexion (in color)

(3) is willing to come to his office on weekends if you are in pain (sometimes when the bite is off you need an adjustment and can't wait for the weekend to pass by!).

Unless your dentist qualifies under all these points, don't do it.

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