Monday, April 27, 2009

What happens to breast implants when a woman dies?

I was thinking about Anna Nicole and I am wondering how long her breast implants will last? Will the implants shrink? Will the insects try to eat the implants? One of my co-workers said that they will last forever.

What happens to breast implants when a woman dies?
They are there, sticking up in dead body. Maybe over time silicone will deteriorate. Or maybe they take it out becasue the silicone is very expensive.
Reply:I have heard all forign material is removed from the body prior to putting the body to rest, I guess I cant take them with me afterall. Report Abuse

Reply:non biodegradable. Report Abuse

Reply:Not forever but they will last for many many years. Just like with the silicone glue we put in the cracks of the window, tiles etc.
Reply:thats a good quesion, well never kno unless u go dig up a grave of a woman with big boobs.

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